
Garden tips of the month August

August is often a warm month and that requires extra attention to the care of your garden. Watering is the most important thing in August. Don’t forget to fill the saucer with water for the birds and hedgehogs in your garden! If you go on holiday, ask neighbours or relatives to water your plants. In […]

Lavender, the South in your garden

Lavender is a popular plant. Understandably so, as the delicious scent of the leaves and flowers and the beautiful purple blooms turn every garden into a little piece of France. Types of lavender The common or English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is not actually an herb, but a small shrub. The plant has been cultivated for […]

3x the most beautiful garden plants for full sun

Which plants are suitable for the sunniest and warmest parts of your garden? There are many garden plants which like a combination of sun and shade. But plants which can withstand the sun all day must be selected carefully. Especially if the plant is in a pot, the root system can get very hot in […]